The homeowner describes several frightening experiences, including a painting flying off the wall nearly hitting her head. She feels targeted and drained of energy in the home.
and I promise you when you leave that Farmhouse you will be forever changed when you see a movie that says based on you know true events and stuff like that this is actually real we just got back from abandonment and and literally we walked through the door and stuff started going and all hell broke loose in that house that night it was really the most horrendous event of my entire life I’ve never seen anything like that before just oh wa that was a big spike there’s no part of the house that’s not active Jason I got chills that sounded just like AR swear something just not touched the back of my leg it felt like something just touched the back of my leg have you ever been touched in here what was that did you hear that I heard something for some reason I’m on edge I don’t have an explanation for how that could be possible that is probably one of the craziest things we’ve we’ve had happen on this adventure for our paranormal Quest we have traveled to burville Rhode Island and this Farmhouse that sits behind me is almost 300 years old old this house has gone by many names over the years the Harrisville Farm the Arnold estate but now it is known for the violent haunting that occurred inside this house that inspired the famous Hollywood film The Conjuring the parin family lived for nearly a decade inside this house and they experienced Paranormal Activity some of it extreme and violent tonight we’re going to see if the haunting that was portrayed in that movie is accurate and if we can have paranormal experiences that correlate with the paren family and many families that have lived inside this home it is a couple nights away from our investigation right now I am about to speak to the best source of information on the history and the hauntings of this home she grew up in the house her and her family and she was the eldest of Five Sisters the experiences that her and her family had in this house and on the farm inspired the hit Hollywood film The Conjuring I’m very excited right now to be speaking with my friend Andrea paron hello Andrea again I want to thank you so much for taking time out of your day to speak with me on on this house your your home place when was your first experience how soon after arriving at the farm did you have one well my first experience of the farm was when I was 11 and and my mother had discovered it in June of 1970 and so she put all the money in the world that we had as a family down to hold it until my father came home from a business trip he was on and my experience of it was even though it was normal you know we were still a perfectly normal family we had not crossed over into paranormal normal yet um It Felt Like Home to me and that was my first experience of it we didn’t purchase it until December of 1970 and we didn’t move into it until January 11th 1971 and the first thing that happened was I walked into the house uh with a box off the big moving van my father said take this to your mother in the kitchen and I rounded the corner into the dining room and Mr Kenyan was standing there and he was packing the last of his possessions that had been in the corner cabinet the China hutch I walked into the dining room and I said good morning Mr Kenyon and you know by that time we knew him really well and he was so sweet and so kind and I talked to him I picked up the box I turned and there was a man standing there that I hadn’t noticed when I first walked in the room and he was dressed oddly and he looked like flesh and blood to me I did not mistake him for anything other than a living breathing human being who I assumed was a friend of Mr kenyon’s and as I passed him I said good morning sir and he looked right through me like he could not even see me and I went into the kitchen and I said mom who’s that man with Mr Kenyan and she said there’s nobody with Mr Kenyan his son’s on the way he’s not here yet so Corey when exactly did you and your wife buy this house uh we purchased this house uh June 2st of 2019 and when you bought the house you knew of its reputation oh of course you have to know yes and how long after you moved in did you experience Paranormal Activity oh we experienced Paranormal Activity the day we move moved in really yeah uh we came in the front door that you guys came in when you first came in um one of the doors opened as we were walking in so it was like an immediate like reaction instead of bringing in like totes of clothes and stuff like that we were moving in with DVR systems and stuff like that do you recall right off exactly how many people had owned the farm prior to uh uh your family uh the farm was built the land for it was deeded in 1680 Mr Kenyan was the last in a very very long line that stretched eight Generations that began with the Richardson family who built the house and then it later became through marriage the Arnold estate when you think about some of your experiences you had in at the farm U the you know paranormal experiences the spiritual experiences which maybe a couple that comes to your mind right off the night of the Seance when the Warren came it was August of 74 um and they insisted that a seance needed to occur in the house that they needed to determine who the culprate was that was causing problems in the house and they brought a medium and they brought a priest and they had photographers cinematographers they had an audio specialist they had a you know kind of an Entourage with them and and all hell broke loose in that house that night it was really the most horrendous event of my entire life um and I wasn’t a part of it I witnessed it and that night uh whatever it was that the medium conjured which is really where the name of the film came from was me explaining to the producers that she was Conjuring the spirits and calling forth throwing open wide the doors to the Nether world with four children of the five of us in the house which you know was malpractice as far as I’m concerned but you know that was really horrible because what I saw occur in the house that night and I was supposed to be upstairs with my other sisters I wasn’t supposed to be down watching I saw my mother be levitated and I saw her suffering I saw her screaming and Howling in pain uh the table came up it SL down on the floor my mother’s chair came up with her in it and then in a split second it tossed her from the middle of our dining room into the middle of the Parlor and her head struck the floor and um and I will never ever forget the feeling that I had just watched my mom die we weren’t here right you know like Lorraine Warren I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the Warren we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the parents I don’t know what they experienced right I can tell you right now there there is something here I have we haven’t experienced on that level yet but they had they had all their ducks in a row it it was enough to Warrant the investigation it’s coming from the land yeah um we’re sitting on two major lay lines um we sit on a large aquifer of water uh was sitting on the old New Hampshire river which was covered over during the last ice age all these are good conductors of energy um if you have a look at the property from like Google Earth it’s actually shaped like a triangle that’s weird you know all these things just kind of like they stick out to you and it’s like you know I’m not really into the metaphysical side of things but I’ve seen way too much in my time investigating to dismiss it have you ever had any feelings or ideas as to maybe what energy What Spirit was actually oppressing your mother that night no uh all I know is that it was Pure Evil and as I’ve said probably a thousand times in the last decade or so I have seen the Dark Side of existence and that’s why I deliberately choose to live in the light but the story of the of B Sheba that Lorraine picked up on do you find any validity to the story of that Beth Sheba haunting bath Sheba was a person she lived across the street um you know Lorraine picked up on something uh Carolyn picked up on something we can’t provide no proof of it m but I wasn’t in their shoes I wasn’t here um I know I can prove that she wasn’t a witch just because she’s buried on consecrated ground there’s no police record saying she was arrested for murder she was never tried for murder her children died of typhus there was no proof that she had done anything to harm the child but in the court of public opinion she was tried and convicted and lived a long miserable life I mean she was born in 1812 and she died in 1885 she did not die by hanging she had a stroke I always felt like she got a bad rap you know that I just I just don’t think that you should accuse somebody of murder unless you have proof I think probably one of the neater things about this whole story is like when you see a movie that says based on you know true events and stuff like that this is actually real in point we’re out back with ground penetrating radar looking for bodies why because a spirit told Cindy paron as her bed was levitating that there were seven dead soldiers buried in the wall so we did ground penetrating radar all through the yard and the basement and sure enough down by the wall but down by the rock wall there’s five grave shafts there was no reason for us to be out there and and another thing is it’s not the armor family the Arnold Family Family plot is actually 3 miles this way so there’s no record of who’s back here right you know and it’s it’s not one of those hey oh my God there’s bodies bared my back out it’s New England it’s not that big a deal you know it’s there’s no record of them but yet this little girl says a story and it just so happens 40 years later we’re out there looking around and sure enough there’s bodies back there find those bodies yeah yeah as far as some of the more active areas in the house do you believe maybe the dining hall would be one of them the dining room there’s no part of the house that’s not active Jason there is not a square inch of that Farmhouse that hasn’t had something happen in it repeatedly uh uh yeah okay I might be able to talk to you while you’re there and I do that with groups that I know okay and um and I’m sure at some point I’ll be able to talk to you Friday night I’m sure I will it’s like the spirits know I’m on the phone or they hear me through the speaker phone or whatever and because of my attachment and connection with them um things begin to happen in the house um and so I would be happy to do that for you and happy to do that with your crew and you know even if we just spend a half an hour on the phone I’ll be able to pick up on energies and you’ll be able to just have your cameras and your filming and everything your audio your video have it ready when we talk at the farm oh absolutely oh my God that’d be that’d be wonderful that perfect for this abandonment session we’ll be using the repurposed r pod that Dave and I made after the antenna broke off we connected copper wire to the antenna cable inside the device and with an alligator clamp we can turn any metal object into the antenna of this ramp pod last investigation at the West Virginia Penitentiary we used it on the execution cap to the electric chair awesome cool there we go on this investigation Steve had the idea to connect it to the metal door handle on the door that leads to the basement so now we’re using a piece of this famously haunted house as the antenna to our ramp pod and we just 30 seconds after we walk out the door to leave this house empty the rod indic IND Ates that something is touching the door handle 30 seconds later it does it again and then 3 seconds after that for almost almost 8 minutes straight the r pod indicates an energy is coming into contact with the door handle fading out and then making contact again after 8 minutes the rod Falls silent for now right all right this things going off on the door handle the cat ball just went off up here you turn the camera off this one is running it’s going off again the cat Ball’s going off up here too same time cat ball upstairs and this one off at the same time two times each EDI just went off too just went off oh dude what if Ryan walked up there and scared it down the steps we just got back from abandonment and and literally we walked through the door and stuff started going wild that’s a good possibility hard to say hello in the audio hello wow can you light up something again can you touch that one on the bed in there are you trying to move the door you can put your hand all the way down on that can you slide it across the floor try and give it a good push it won’t hurt it it won’t hurt you either we didn’t mean to startle you we have permission to be here by the new Property Owners my name’s Steve it’s my good friends Jason Dave and Ryan upstairs that was Qui as going to be when we came in here mhm and I was the last one in can you push the door open that was quiet as going to be when we came in here mhm I was the last one in can you push the door open I was the last one in can you push the door open I was the last one can you push the door open who something just touched the back of my waist are you serious yeah I just got touched are you here with us I’m going to walk I’m going to start walking from the top of the stairs Ryan’s going to come down the stairs and see if that will push him down that way I’m coming down can you push that door open can you touch this right here that’s in my hand H went to Orange the rim you say it went up to Orange I went close to this way see oh that’s you yeah hello Andrea how are you doing I’m great how are you I am I tell you I am very good we are doing very well here you know it is so crazy that I just stepped out and I had a smoke and I texted you and I came back in this room next to the dining room and seen your text you said the house was already activated and it is so wild you said that because we just left the house for about an hour to get dinner we left some equipment and cameras rolling in the house and when we walked back into this room the rim pod the static proximity meter on the floor actually started triggering and we started having a bunch of strange things happening all at once okay well let me tell you what happened about an hour to maybe an hour and a half ago I was just laying here in my bedroom on my bed and I had a vision of that room full of equipment but no people in it and I started seeing movement in the room and I got a message um from from one of the spirits in the house and I don’t know which one but the message was we know they’re here we’ll be um we’ll be gentle with them or kind to them or something to that effect they are um ready willing and able to cooperate and communicate with you tonight and then I started seeing movement in the room and lights flashing wow wow okay wow and they let me know that they know that you’re there they know who you are and they know that I care about you and they will be gentle with you and they’re not going to do anything to totally freak you out but you are definitely going to have communication tonight there is no question of it none I’ve almost got chills you telling me that yeah and if you want to have some communication and you want to feel uh a presence beside you go stand on the Hearthstone in front of the bik firl put my hand on it you don’t have to all you have to do is stand there okay standing here right now and then tell me which side of your body feels cold my left side yep oh wow wow yeah my left side I can feel it Andrea I can feel it it’s getting cold on my left hand it it’s getting cold right here on my left hand next to the stairs that lead up to your room yeah wow this is incredible this is absolutely incredible or at least a dozen active spirits in the house while we were there yes okay okay yeah yes okay okay yes okay okay the house the noises that are coming from upstairs are coming from the boring room which is that long dark room that has the oddly shaped door right off of my old bedroom okay okay what the spirits have taught me in the 10 years that we lived there and the connections and the attachments that were formed no pun intended but real attachments were formed right and not just with me but with other members of my family as well because I always felt like it was home that it was the only place that ever really felt like home to me in my whole life every place else on this planet feels temporary to me but the farm feels permanent uh with the spirits in the house you know there were other forces in the house as well that I have no control over um they were invited in uh the spirits that were there I came to Terms of Endearment with and felt a familial attachment to and so what I can tell them tonight is hello my darlings I might be 1200 miles away from you right now but we all know that there is no such thing as time or distance and I am right there with you and I love you dearly and I appreciate the messages that you sent to me a little while ago Steve and Dave and Jason and Ryan are with all of you tonight they are there to commune with you not to hurt you in any way they just want to know you they want to have experiences with you and whatever you share of yourselves with them will profoundly change their lives and their understanding of who you are and why you’re there because what they will do is later after we have this time together tonight they will con continue to talk with me about their experiences and we will share some more of what we experienced when we lived there when the paron family lived with you continue to me about their experiences and continue to me about their experiences and so what I want you to do tonight at your leisure at your pleasure and with whatever energy you have to muster and they will share their energy with you these are young strong men you know they they bring with them knowledge and understanding and a desire to know you they share their energy with you these are young strong men you know they they bring with them and they will share their energy so that you may draw upon that to manifest in whatever form you are able it’s all right to let them know that you are there somebody’s reaching out to touch one of you right now on one of your shoulders tell me who it is and who feels it me it was Ryan my right shoulder right by the basement door that we just heard a knock on if you open that door and step into it you will feel a drastic temperature change that’s where they hide when they’re reticent about who’s in the house so if you open that door I’ll speak them and let them know okay I I just tried to open the door three times Ryan said that he just tried to open the door three times and it wouldn’t open and then I stopped and I pulled the handle again and it came right open it was like something was holding the door shut that was really weird that’s a little game that they play yeah when you read my books you’ll read all about that that is awesome that’s just proof positive that they’re on the other side we’re entering the the the morning room that’s where many babies were born and many died what I feel in that room more than any other room in the house is sadness and loss it makes me think of all the little tiny gravestones at the Arnold Cemetery that don’t even have a name on them 300 years ago was a hard time to be born into this world and very very many people didn’t make it in fact it was considered extremely bad luck to even name your baby before its first birthday wow the that the women went through after carrying a child in their womb for n months and going through all of the pain of natural child birth and then losing your baby to the common cold that just that would just tear tear you in pieces yes I think that you should go into the center bedroom the room that’s uh there’s a outside window between the two bedrooms and that was I believe Cynthia’s room yeah Cindy and Christine well you know we all moved around and used a different bedrooms uh there’s an outside window between the two bedrooms uh there’s an outside window between the two bedrooms it was in the middle bedroom where Cindy heard the voices all speaking together at once saying to her there are seven dead soldiers buried in the wall there are seven dead soldiers buried in the wall but yet this little girl says a story and it just so happens 40 years later we’re out there looking around and sure enough there’s bodies back there you find those bodies yeah yeah okay okay we’re getting situated I’m going to actually do you think it would be okay if I sit on the bed sure okay I’m going to sit on the end of the bed and we are now all four in the center room the doors are open on either side but um they’re curious about you you might pick up somebody kind of peeking around the door and Corner uh they’re curious yeah there’s activity downstairs between the um the dining room and the library it’s downstairs they want you to go downstairs okay they feel comfortable with you now that is very good have some really outstanding experiences tonight my advice to you is to keep your mind open keep your heart open and keep your eyes open and keep cameras at the ready stay completely open to the experience and I promise you when you leave that Farmhouse you will be forever changed just don’t want him to be able to hear us but I also don’t want us to whisper yeah I he won’t be able to he won’t be able to hear us we stand closer and that and do it sometimes we just spoke with Andrea on the phone not long ago she said you would be here with us are you here with us you were just speaking to Andrea a little bit ago on the phone hopefully you were able to hear her there a very faint woman’s voice but I can’t understand what she’s saying it’s really quiet please speak to Ryan as loud and as clearly as you can he’s right in there in Cynthia’s room what was that I heard that is anybody from the Arnold family here with us Susan are you here with us there was a voice there could make it out what was that noise sound like a whistle yeah I did took that board downstairs remember yeah oh there you go temperature drop air pressure as well can you make the other little green light beside that go off too see how that’s lighting up for you you can keep trying it can you tell Ryan who touched Steve him and myself earlier hasn’t been doing that the entire time we’ve been up there what’s that it’s getting colder and warmer at the same time where is Ryan standing right now he’s standing in the chimney closet he’d love love to talk to you I was hearing absolutely nothing I wasn’t hearing anything nothing I’m really frustrated because after Andrea talked to the spirits through the phone I had high hopes for this SD’s method Spirit Box session none of us had any idea that we captured the explanation as soon as we started the session hearing this disembodied voice explains to us why nothing was talking through the sbox they simply didn’t like this piece of equipment if there’s anyone in this room or in this house we’re friends of Andrea paron thought I heard something downstairs there I did too thought I heard something downstairs there we believe we’re hearing you could we please hear your voice or hear you walk or knock on the wall Andrea says that this place is magical and she says you all are magical we’d love to meet you I’m going to go ahead and cut on this just so it doesn’t do what it did last time okay there a little bit ago uh St filming Dave this is probably about four to five minutes ago yeah and I noticed the K2 actually went up to the second light for about oh about half a second second just did it there oh okay did you see how that lighted up in the window there if you can see those lights flashing or if you can see those lights if you get close to it it’ll actually just like that see It’ll flash for you you can do it as much as you like appreciate you standing in front of the window if uh if you are responding to that we we appreciate that there’s a there’s just like a very strong like sense of energy like right here like in the stairwell MH I don’t I’ve got cold chills so bad I’m freezing right here yeah B Sheba are you here with us temperature’s trying to drop what was that there was something back here behind me that trying to drop there was something back here behind me Andrea did say that you know she felt what upward to 12 mhm Spirits in here exactly yeah these K2 hits could be multiple you know what I mean are they more than are they higher than the two lights or is it just the second light just oh who that was a big spike what did I go to Orange Orange but it was like it like orange orange like it wasn’t just a flash of orange just more solid yeah come over here whoa did you guys do anything with your was what that was weird I just saw literally right here I just saw like a a hook of bright very bright white light like it was just shaped like a like a fishing hook weird that was very strange I’ve never seen anything like that before all right so Steve and I are going to go sit out in the car here for the next part of this Harrisville Farmhouse investigation while Dave and Jason stay inside the house house and see if smaller numbers if just the two of them inside the house will help draw out some of the entities having all four of us in locations does seem to hinder some of the activity you put us down in groups of two or less things come alive so we’re going to go ahead and head out to the car here and we’ll see what happens I’ll take that camera good luck guys and best of luck guys I’m going to lock you out too yeah you better hello if there’s anyone that can hear us my name is Jason this is Dave what’s your name come speak with us please Andrea wanted you to speak with us can you do that did you hurt her mother right when we were finishing up upstairs uh da was definitely picking up on something like a real prominent like a real strong energy and that uh stairwell uh coming up from the first floor from the very the actual front door oh who that was a big spike up to the room we were in mhm so the first bedroom it was uh that was an interesting uh session we’ll say I guess I think I I feel there were multiple people that we potentially made contact with if someone is upstairs or in the basement and can hear us would you please come upstairs with Dave and I into the dining room could you show yourself to us please we’d love that we’d love that make a noise did I yes no okay right next to you make a noise sound like the sound someone makes when they’re like person her lips no I didn’t know do you remember Ed and Lorraine Warren being here Andrea always says that this place is magical yeah and that she feels like there’s some sort of portal between Dimensions here in this spot whether it be because of like Corey said the lay lines or some other reason that has to do with the different waterways that run through the area but there is some strange phenomenon that goes on with this this house and I think the par and family experienced that when they lift here and I think we’re experiencing it tonight yeah absolutely you can use all the energy you need from our equipment you can use Dave and I’s energy please come in to speak with us okay could you make that sound again what happened in this room right here over 40 years ago to the parin family remember Carolyn Roger Andrea her sisters Ed Lorraine Warren they were all here do you know who they were communicating with I mean there’s multiple times I know I felt um just chills like not in a bad way per se just that overall like that all enveloping sense of Just Energy rush you know and it’s been a while since we’ve I think at least that I can recall feeling that You Know M that’s always the part of investigating that I I really enjoy because it makes you feel even more alive yes you communicating with us will help us to show other people that there’s more to life and just here on Earth that car door oh thing I heard like a door or something knock what was that in a couple moments my friend Dave and I are going to go outside for a little bit and our friends Steve and Ryan will be coming in and they’re just as anxious to speak with you all all right uh Ryan I are going to be starting our uh wait wait I just heard movement above your head yeah we were hearing that in the kitchen too we’re getting ready Dave and Jason just finished their uh Duo session here at the Harrisville Farmhouse Ryan and I are going to be heading down into the basement we haven’t covered that area yet and we going to try to make communication with them we got a couple cameras with us some motion activated balls and we have the s box we’re going to try with the pedal box this time and see if uh see what we get down basement okay so all the pedal box is is a an amp with these petals attached to it and it hooks into a Spirit Box so it filters out the White Noise sweeping so oh did you hear that it said hello yeah hello my name’s Steve it’s my friend Ryan our friends Dave and Jason were in here earlier whoa that s said where I think they were upstairs I think who i s like someone went oh it’s been very fascinating very interesting um you know we’ve already had a few strange things happen to us um you seen a strange light upstairs I did that was very weird that was weird I just saw literally right here I just saw like a a hook of bright very bright light light we had some peculiar uh interaction with the K2 in the bedroom upstairs oh yeah yeah we did do you remember Andrea parin that yes if you remember Andrea parin can you just say Andrea can you say her name can you say her name what about her father do you remember her father’s name yes did you hear that I heard that clear yes we just had something very odd happen though do you want to explain that oh gosh yeah um a little freaky so obviously you know we’re out here and um a little bit ago Dave was actually playing a scene from The Conjuring film and it was actually including some behind the scenes footage of lorine Warren speaking and I was like this as I am now Dave’s right here and we’re watching it and all of a sudden the the car here just rocked back and forth one time yeah yeah like someone sat down in the back seat or something yeah yeah it was it was a very not a violent shake or anything but you know you you felt the car shake it I mean it was yeah I mean we’re totally still we are this is weighs a ton that was odd and and Ryan and uh Steve are still inside so where’s your recorder at temperature dropped pressure change fa mat pressure change is it dropped I didn’t catch it though when the par and family lived here one of the daughters Cindy had an experience where she said she was overcome with an energy and actually her bed lifted up as the down she had a vision of something that came true here Cory actually found something here can you tell us what Cory found that Cindy saw hello there if there’s anyone here with me my name’s Jason can you tell me your name please do you live in this house or are you just passing through I’m sure you remember the paren family can you tell me who slept in this room when the parents lived here in this house I invite anyone in the house here that can hear me please come into this room with me and speak with me right here in front of me is a vandag graph generator basically the crank of this wheel it will begin to charge up and when you take this wand here is when you discharge the electricity into the atmosphere so in theory kind of similar to an em pump just a little bit different something that Spirits can hopefully use to interact if you can see this this thing in front of me it won’t harm you I’m going to turn this on please feel free to get as close as you can and you can take energy from me the equipment and from this here you can use all that energy to communicate if you like if you get a little closer to me it’ll be easier for you to speak you can use this energy oddly as Jason cranks the vandag graph generator arcs of static electricity begin to jump from the ball and into the air as if something is taking energy from it before Jason discharged the generator he did notice this as it was happening but he didn’t say anything about it at the time because he wasn’t sure if it was peculiar or not Jason cranked the Vander graph a few more times before ending his solo session after this we did one final session in the dining room which is now the living room of the house and received absolutely no unexplained activity or evidence it seems as though the energy this house held at the beginning of the night has been expended it’s hard to believe that 8 years ago we sat in a packed movie movie theater together watching the hit horror Blockbuster that would spark a whole universe of feature films and tonight we experienced its inspiration for ourselves there things going off on the door handle are they more than are they higher than the two lights or is it just the second light just oh who that was a big spike can you say her name at the beginning of this investigation Andrea told us stay completely open to the experience and I promise you when you leave that Farmhouse you will be forever changed man was she right the house doesn’t know day or night you know it’s active all the time she used crystal ball and mirrors and invited things into the house and didn’t ask them to leave did Monica turn mirrors into portals portals that have never been closed he had gotten scratched we lifted up his shirt it was forming as we lifted it up if you are trying to talk to me tell me not to leave come back all right there’s something in the mirror wow holy crap who is it that likes to scratch people down here and likes to attack people that’s it stand right in front of it I sounded like a woman’s voice right there what the hell dude no way I am covered in chills dude within the city of cooko Indiana sits a house that by all appearances looks normal but hiding Within These Walls are stories of tragedy cruelty sadness Witchcraft and hauntings the perfect recipe for ghost stories that the current owners believe open portals that have flooded the house with spirits and entities that aren’t afraid to make themselves known to anyone who enters how soon after you actually started investigating or even after you purchased the house how soon after did you start to experience unexplained activity right away right away the house doesn’t know day or night you know it’s active all the time the house was built in 1910 by Robert C Davies his wife Louisa um two of the four children Orville and Walter resided here with him Robert Davies passed away in 1939 his wake was here Walter um passed away at a young age he was about 17 or 18 that was in 1916 his wake was here and Orville passed away in 1920 the wife Louisa she passed away in 1950 everyone passed away in the family from GI or colon type issues except for Louisa and she passed away from pneumonia and you can imagine the energy that might be left behind here in this room from those wakes this is their family’s home and exactly back in those days when you died you wanted to have your funeral your wake and in in your home so yeah but Mike and hope believe that the Davey’s family had such a strong connection to this house that they refused to leave even after death very first time I ever walked through I felt a a presence right here in the middle of this room and it was very hard to get away from it that presence that entity that you felt or picked up on did you feel it was something negative do you think it was Mr Davey do you think I I’m inclined to want to believe it was maybe Mr Davies okay uh maybe welcoming me to the house okay um but it was a very very strong presence right here we’ve gotten so much response in the living room related to the Davies we hear the old man coughs and sneezes sometimes it’s just us girls in here I was uh vacuuming one day and standing right here on at the couch and um I could smell an old man cigar smoke very strong but it’s right in this area only we get a lot of response here lately from Louisa she tends to not like a lot of people we have a lot of Shadow play right here in this hallway but the Davies family aren’t the only vocal spirits on the first floor in the bedroom it’s believed that you can find a woman named re who was abused and imprisoned by her husband Paul Rita’s Sister Christine had sent me a message on Facebook the information was that she was in the third or fourth of seven bad marriages each husband seemed to abuse Rita just a little bit more she was pretty much confined to the bedroom she wasn’t allowed to have very many friends or family come visit her she wasn’t allowed to leave if he went to work supposedly she locked the door the story of her captivity is heartbreaking and that emotion can still be felt to this day the room is decorated with dolls and toys all of which Rita is said to play with kind of makes sense because if you don’t socialize with anybody you kind of go backwards and how you think and process things so you do kind of become childlike we um had a a team that was in here one time that uh said against this wall and she had a purse on and she had uh something tugged back on her and she thought somebody had pulled her and then hope had set stood there one night I was over here against the wall and she thought I had brushed up against her hair and I wasn’t even touching her do you think that’s Rita it very well could be the energy that we get in there typically is child like she likes to pull on people play with her um tug on clothes and as you can see Rita his name here on the wall and Rita was murdered by her seventh husband but not in this house this history so far would be more than enough to justify a haunting but waiting for us on the second floor is a story much more chilling the davies’s house has a theme that stretches through its history a theme of failed romantic relationships this time a woman named Monica when asked by her ex to move out of the house used witchcraft to make sure he never be comfortable in his own home again she had supposedly opened some portals she used crystal ball and mirrors and invited things into the house and didn’t ask them to leave and it was kind of a Revenge tactic well if you don’t want me here I’m going to make sure you remember me up until recently all of the mirrors Monica used to open the portals were still in the house but when the previous owner Hope’s stepfather thought he was going to sell the house to someone else he said the mirrors had to go we had two mirrors upstairs that I didn’t want on my personal property and so we just kind of threw them on the side of the road into the river they both shattered when that sale fell through and Mike and hope ended up buying the house instead they decided to buy new mirrors for the sake of paranormal research because the original ones were thought to be disposed of but then they made a shocking Discovery the other mirrors were tossed along the road and so this here actually appeared back into our garage and we have no idea how it got there so we brought that back over here cuz I don’t want it up my property if Monica truly succeeded in her revenge plot to open portals within the house it’s hard to tell what kind of spirits or entities have moved in to call the davies’s house their home but as we’re about to find out the darkest and most tragic story still still Waits For Us in the basement Deb was at the end of a relationship and um she was being forced to move out she was going to move in with the next and uh that’s not really what she had wanted so she wrote a Dear John Letter so he says well see what state of mind she’s in I’m going to get all my ammo out my guns out take them across the street and as he’s coming down the stair case he realizes I may have gotten one so he rushes back up he thinks that that’s when she kicked the chair out from underneath her when he started to go downstairs and turn around um when he went back down there later she was of course gone and he cut her down and brought her up here to the living room and couldn’t revive her um as you can tell these right here is steel PBC conduit yeah okay this is where she hung herself here another failed relationship this time fatal the tragic ending to de story has led many investigators to believe that her spirit may still be here in this basement I came down here one day while the rest of our our paranormal family team was upstairs and it was all dark down in here and as I turned I saw a silhouette of a look like a female figure this whole area in here was all warm except this doorway right here it was cold but the Paranormal Family Team believes that something else may reside down here in the basement feeding on the tragic history of this house this is where this is where the mother Lord for me happens right here me and another fellow was standing in this position right here I had an old man laugh come up to me in my ear and was very um vigorous about it yeah and the guy next to me he had gotten scratched there’s no way he could have scratched himself we lifted up his shirt it was forming as we lifted it up um scared notnot out of me that was one of my first experiences and I was like wow tell me paranormal ain’t true but it’s not just the physical attacks it seems this entity likes to play psychological games as well we were downstairs my son likes at that time he liked to hear cowboy boots tapping on the concrete floor because he’s um mildly autistic so the noise is a big thing for him and so he couldn’t walk quietly we’re watching him walk in front of all the flashlights and he’s not making a sound so we were upstairs cleaning one day I was kind of in mid conversation or whatever with him when I felt the presence behind me so I turned around to look to make sure it was my son and as I’m turning back I realize that the eyes are black 100% look just like you the bouncing curls everything couple minutes later here comes my son walking up the stairs it’s hard to tell what brought this dark entity into the house could it be the constant heartache and tragedy or maybe it entered through the open portals upstairs or is it a combination of both either way we have our work cut out for us tonight so now Dave we know a little bit more about the Davy’s house and we know there were deaths in this house there was extreme trauma and sadness and from what they told us there was ritualistic witchcraft performed in the house to open portals to the spirit world In This Very Room that we’re standing in I’m excited to set up cameras and to leave this house empty for an hour to see what it can pick up on during our abandonment session are you ready to get started I more than ready let’s get everything set up get our cameras placed and get out the door so we can see what we can get tonight let’s do it this is Paranormal Quest the Davy’s house all right so we are getting ready to leave for abandonment we have the house set up with cameras equipment some trigger objects some things that we feel would get a reaction we’re going to leave for an hour find find out what happens inside the Davy’s house when it’s completely empty right now we’re standing in Rita’s room the room of a woman who was almost like a prisoner in her own home because she was stuck in a bad marriage they say she almost has a childlike energy so we have this doll set up right here with multiple of these motion activated cat balls set up here as well as the music box which is set up right here as you can see if anything moves in this area in front of it it’s going to set that off out here in the main living rooma area we have an action cam set up to cover that entire area you can basically see from the front door all the way through and if anything moves anything happens we’ll know cuz that area is wired with motion sensors which will go off if anything moves through that area downstairs in the basement we have a camera set up in the room where Deborah lost her life there’s a lot of speculation a lot of mystery surrounding her death and hopefully she can give us some answers as to what happened but there’s a rim pod sitting right over by where she passed passed away upstairs on the second floor that is the area where a woman who lived here named Monica ended up performing rituals which hope and Mike believe may have opened a portal or multiple portals inside the Davy’s house and one last thing I wanted to mention here about Rita’s room we also have the plasma ball set up and Mike and hope told us that they’ve actually seen something touch it and if something does actually come in contact with it with static energy we will notice we will see so we’re going to leave the house empty you ready Dave see what happens while we’re gone let’s do it let’s go that’s us passing through crushing a cat ball we’re leaving did you scream directly the recorder no the action C our abandonment sessions are a great way not only to get a baseline within the location but also to see what Paranormal Activity occurs when the house is completely empty with the davies’s house covered with cameras on all three floors if something happens we’re sure to capture it but to our surprise the house is eerily silent for almost the entire 70 minutes that were gone none of the equipment triggered at all and the only sounds that we captured were all too distant to determine what caused them it is disappointing to have an abandonment session so quiet but what we are about to experience and capture when we return we’ll make up for it entirely dude no way all right what the hell hold up we weren’t moving in front of it the motion sensor is set up right here pointing out towards this open room right here and as Dave and I are getting the SLS camera together that motion sensor just went off yeah where we’re good to go you ready yep Rita or Mr um Davies or any of the Davies family if you walked in front of that little box and made it go off made it chime like that can you do it again for us when we’re up here that was weird what happened there was a figure there as soon as I turned this around and then it disappeared don’t what did it say couldn’t make it sound like don’t but I could have misheard it because we’re all the way downstairs we know that you don’t like cameras we’ve heard that but we’ve got a lot of them tonight so the SLS camera that Dave is is using Maps shapes by projecting infrared lasers that bounce back into the sensor if the camera detects a human shape it’s marked with a stick figure it’s possible that when Dave turned around the sensor detected a human shape we couldn’t see with our own eyes and when it disappeared almost as fast as it appeared it shot upward meanwhile the ghost tube on the second floor picks up on fluctuations in magnetic fields and chooses a word within an 850w dictionary responding to those readings and it’s particularly weird to us that Mike and hope told us off camera that they found that Davey’s family doesn’t like video being recorded and as we briefly capture a figure on the SLS camera in the kitchen it shoots upward almost immediately followed by the ghost tube on the second floor saying da it could be a coincidence but it’s a very odd sequence of events and we’ve only just started this session oh that’s me sorry talk with me we’re here to talk can you see that little red light on the ground over there can you try to turn it on try and pick it up it’s right in front of me here I’m pointing at it if there’s anyone up here that came through one of Monica’s portals the doorways my name is Ryan and this is Dave and we’re here to talk to you we don’t care who you are whether you’re human or inhuman whether you mean well or to do us harm we want you to show yourself to us so that we can tell your story right in front of Dave there on the chair there’s an ouija board or a talking board or a spirit board and if you could move that plan chat we’d appreciate it use your energy or you can use our energy to touch it whoa what was that that wasn’t you no that was down at the bottom of the stairs somebody down there we heard someone was getting scratched and all kinds of crazy stuff was happening in here who’s attacking people in this house is there something that travels through this mirror did Monica turn mirrors into portals portals that have never been closed whoa was that you no wasn’t me either right over here right by the mirrors yeah actually by that one mirror that reappeared they said oh that’s right this mirror right here is the one that they said was up here before but reappeared one of The Originals is this how the monster gets in and out of the house the one that scratches people West oh it’s just said something Mirror Mirror dude no way that’s me it said mirror man what as soon as I picked it up and moved it as soon as you moved that mirror that me too it said something before it said mirror yeah I know but I couldn’t make chair chair and what did I lean it up against the chair holy I am crap covered in chills dude yeah wow holy crap maybe maybe it’s true maybe facing the mirrors together does create a portal is that how it works Dave is moving the r pod dude that was some responsiveness unlike any we’ve had to have you pick up that mirror and lean it against the chair and then have it say mirror chair that’s just too weird o it just said something Mirror Mirror dude no way that’s me it said mirror man what it said something before it said mirror yeah I know but I couldn’t make chair chair and what did I lean it up against the chair you know interestingly enough that happened when the door was shut when the door was closed do you not like the door being closed that’s so weird I was going to suggest that you do that you know what’s weird what if you think about it it’s like that door was shut and it’s saying that it was like even though the door is shut I still know what’s going on in there I know where you just put that mirror right love what do you love would you feel comfortable putting your left and right hand on both mirrors yeah is this how you enter this house did Monica open a passageway for you through the mirrors can you roll that back we’re going to take it away invisible what if I turn all these mirrors around we’ll start with this one whoa what there’s something in the mirror really not the one you’re touching the one furthest away this one the one closest to oh was just gone now that is weird that is weird this SLS camera has been sitting stationary for almost 20 minutes and the mirror hasn’t moved if it was reading the mirror as a false positive it would have done it almost immediately and we know that this isn’t Dave’s reflection either as that can be seen here with only the Reflection of his arm in View and when Dave points at the mirror that the figure is in it just disappears so we have no idea what the SLS camera could be mapping in this mirror if you have any opinions on this let us know what you think down in the comments just for and Giggles go stand in front of that mirror that is still turned around stand to your right reach out yeah nothing nothing showing up in that yeah nothing showing up in the mirror now an SLS figure showed up in that mirror wow not over the mirror in the mirror wow this is EVP session second session first floor who that you no pointed back towards the stairs whoa whoa whoa whoa roll it Dave audio second session whoa is there someone over by the stairs do you like hearing that music could you step right in front of it so it plays the music longer for us so we know that it’s you that’s it stand right in front of it please thank you Rita there’s a doll sitting on the bed that we left for you if you grab it it’ll make those lights turn on Rita do you sometimes try and come out into the Hall here is that why they see Shadows Rita if you want to play with some of these other toys I’m going to put this ball right here and all you have to do is light it up and touch it but I’m going to sit down right here with you now and I have a box in my hand that if you walk up to me and you try and use this to speak we can hear your voice and you can try and say your name just like I’m saying mine Ryan can you say Rita Rita were you locked in this house unable to get out because your husband wouldn’t let you which one of these toys is your favorite what’ you hear sounded like a strange voice that came through there H if you don’t like us being in the in your room all you have to do is tell us to get out and we’ll be we’ll be happy to leave as I was reviewing the Spirit Box session I heard what sounded like a woman’s voice but it wasn’t coming through the Spirit Box you may need headphones to fully hear and understand what she’s saying but take a listen and see what you think Mr Davies are you here coming I’m here did you hear that I thought it said coming oh it sound like I’m here to me whoa Mr Davies are you on your way what did it say basement it sounded like it said basement I thought it did say basement yeah what did it say basement it sounded like it said basement who’s the person in the basement that likes to scratch people and Corner them and make them feel uncomfortable are we going to hear from them when we go down there what did you hear that no it goes yeah really loud are we going to hear from them when we go down there that’s awesome we can’t wait to hear from him or whoever they are Rita if you can hear me my name is Dave that’s my friend Ryan out there and we just came here to talk to you tonight and you can talk back to us through this equipment that we have around here like this or through this box that I’m holding in my hand right here Rita can you say yes or no whether or not you’re here the way it sounds is that you had a very rough life here in this house is that true what was that what that sounded like a woman’s voice right there it did did he force you to stay in here very quiet on this level it is I don’t know why I just feel very drawn to this room to that room could be a safe space Maybe maybe Rita felt safe in here yeah after all the stuff she was put through there’s only one part of the Davy’s house that we’ve yet to investigate this is where the mother Lord for me happens right here um when he went back down there later she was of course gone this is where she hung herself here and as I turned I saw a silhouette of a look like a female figure what whatever’s in the basement seems to be more powerful than she is he had gotten scratched we lifted up his shirt it was forming as we lifted it up with so much darkness and tragedy in the basement this will be a perfect place for a sensory deprivation EST session but if it is true that the portals that Monica opened are on the second floor we need to cover that area as well so we’ll put a thermal imaging camera pointing from the room with the mirrors facing toward the stairs on the opposite end to see if anything manifests on this floor while we’re making contact in the basement all right Deborah my name is Ryan and I’m here to talk to you by or five are there five of you here I’m going to shut the door to the basement we can have some alone time some quiet time is there something that’s not so nice down here is there something that means to do people harm the body right after Dave receives this response on the thermal imaging camera on the second floor captures a very strange anomaly a cold signature stretching from the bottom of the frame to the top appears out of nowhere it’s Slender and thin but very noticeable and we’ve never seen anything like this before it’s not a cold spot or a humanoid shape but instead a perfectly straight line of cold energy could this be some sort of tear between our worlds is this the portal we’ve heard so much about let us know what you think down in the comments below whose body is there something on the body that would give more clues not we’re not we’re not we’re not what who is it that likes to scratch people down here and likes to attack people fact who is it that likes to pretend to be Ry you know Ray there’s a male voice there I couldn’t make that one out what do you get from pretending to be someone that you’re not sounded like it said sweet pepper can you tell me Runner I’m not running are you running you is it working oh it’s working are you mad at us because we turn the mirrors around would you like it if we turn the mirrors back around something back here do you want me to come back there put me back here maybe who put you back there did someone conjure you back there did someone open a doorway that they couldn’t close inside this house Deborah did someone hurt you what what what happened why did you end up dying the way that you did where’d you go why’ you stop talking there was a male voice I couldn’t make it out who is the man that’s speaking to us my name is Ryan and that’s Dave tell us your name so we know who we’re talking to I’m going to ask the questions you speak through Dave Male Voice couldn’t make it out H could you speak more clearly take a step closer to Dave so we can hear what you’re saying and then try and speak again for us slang or slant or something like that I’m G to ask again because no one seems to answer or say anything who is it that copies people something return who is it that mimics people that’s that’s kind of our thing that’s kind of your thing huh it’s not a thing that’s very mean and sadistic don’t care if it’s your thing or not I tell you what go to Dave right now and tell him how many fingers I’m holding up right now how many fingers am I holding up there’s no there is no there’s no what talking to talking to or something like that if you don’t want to talk to me I’ll leave convince me not to leave if you are trying to talk to me tell me not to leave come back go back or come back all right I’m coming will you tell me what happened to BR uh to Deborah tell me exactly what happened to Deborah in this basement he beat her who did who beat Deborah perfect perfect was someone abusive to Deborah that hovers hours we’re so sorry if that’s true and he was actually mean and he something happened something happened what happened does everyone know the true story the real story of what happened or is there more to it that people don’t no hello speak to me or came to me I’m trying to speak to you I’m right here tell me what he did tell me who it was that did the things to you that caused you so much pain Deborah where’d you go this was probably one of the most interesting Estus method Spirit Box sessions we’ve ever performed while we didn’t get more information about the dark entity a man seemed to be giving us information about Deborah’s tragic situation and whoever it was seemed to be able to hear us if you trying to talk to me tell me not to leave back go back or come back but apparently couldn’t give us all the details hello whatever secrets are being kept in this basement weren’t meant for us to hear the Davy’s house has a fascinating history and the legends of this house won’t stay hidden for long as more paranormal investigations are conducted this house very well could become a beacon for paranormal research why why do you think he watches you when you’re asleep I wake up and see him what the was that that almost sound like a damn voice all he did say was that he woke up obviously couldn’t move and he saw something crawling up the bed at him you’ve got to be kidding what is it did you just come out of the bedroom if you’re here with us can you make that stop so we’re kind of right across the street from the house here and this was one of the first private residences that we’ve done in a long time because we’re just really picky about private residences right yeah it’s just you mean you run into a lot of scenarios with residential cases a lot of people you know sometimes just want attention you know they want and one way for they to promote their house you know and hopes that it will get a lot of notoriety as being haunted so you run into a lot of uh just false information yeah these people seem like they’re actually having a lot of mental and emotional distress from what’s happened inside the house and so far every everybody seems like they’re telling the truth that they’re very genuine that there’s something antagonized in them in their house and they genuinely don’t feel comfortable living in here but they’ve only lived here for like 8 months or something like that and they well that’s not that’s no time at all no and in that time she said she has been she’s gone to the doctor and had to been put on multiple five or six different anti-depressant medications because she just feels depressed and drained and oppressed when when she’s living in this house and so this is really taking a toll on their lives and I think it’s good that we can go in and try and see if we can at least document and then from there if we can get rid of it and help them get back to living a normal life that would be ideal so and then from there who knows but I know it’s going to be an interesting night so Lori you’ve had a lot of experiences in the house here yes what happened here in this living room that you can say probably was the most terrifying or was the most intimidating um I was laying on the couch my head here and as you can see the pictures are hung up the steps and one of my youngest son literally flew straight down barely missed my head glass all over I was covered up with a blanket glass all over the blanket it actually hit right here and my head was right here so it literally came off of the wall yes and flew and flew down and hit hit the couch where your head was yes and there was glasses everywhere now do you think that was something that was intentionally trying to throw that at you or do you think it meant you harm yes you think it did honestly yes I seem to be the target who do you feel is the most malicious or the most malevolent the man the man where do you see him most often um when I’m trying to go to sleep in your bedroom in my bedroom so lur you think the man most often visits you whenever you’re asleep in here yes or trying to go to sleep or trying to go to sleep yeah why why do you think he watches you when you’re asleep I wake up and see him and when you wake up and you see him standing over top of your bed what does he look like he has a I really can’t see his face and I experienced complete sleep paralysis and he was standing where back a little more than where you’re standing never experienced it in my life I can’t move I can’t breathe the only thing I can do is open my eyes that’s it do you think that has something to do with him or do you think that something that’s completely separated do you think that is from the activity here I do because I’ve never experienced it in my life and my youngest son experienced it here and he had never experienced it in his life either and in the time that you’ve lived here how has it affected your mood fiveing of depressants never was never needed it before no energy it’s hard to even get out of bed I mean that I’m not allowed to sleep it seems so like I feel like something is literally just sucking my energy from me now is there any other part of the house where you’ve experienced a lot of activity besides here um in the basement in the basement okay yeah we’ll go there I hate it down here you hate it down here the kids all used to hang out down here when they were pres school had the TV couch all that down here but they got to where they didn’t like it either so what type of activity generally happens down here why don’t you like it um well I don’t want to sound completely insane but I done this do you think maybe you were influenced to draw this by something I have no idea I walked down the steps it was in the middle of the night and I grabbed the kids all always had their Sharpies out and I grabbed them and I sat down on the floor and I just started drawing and the next day when I looked at it I thought what is that what I remembered doing it but I it was like a beg memory yeah that one kind of scared me a little bit yeah yeah I can imagine yeah down here is also where I was sitting on the phone speaking to somebody about it one night and I always have the song Always it was a gift and I never take it off and they don’t like to be talked about in the house I felt like I was burning after I got off the phone and I went upstairs and looked in the mirror I thought why am I burning so badly I was red like somebody had like welded just bright red right so toally could you tell me some what your experiences are in your old’s house here just hear people walking upstairs in noise up there and and one morning I was actually getting ready to get up for work but somebody was standing by the bed yelling my name they were I mean it woke me up and when I looked there was nobody there our granddaughter went upstairs into this room and uh come downstairs and said she wasn’t going to come back go back upstairs and later I found out that something scared her up there so me being me I went up there and now room shut the door told him to leave the grandbabies alone or I was going to burn this place down and they wouldn’t have no place to live right well it quit for a while but don’t mess with my family we’ve been told that it’s partially built on an Indian burial ground really maybe that could be why the energy is constantly you know so high because they believe those burial were sacred and if those burial grounds were displaced that it could lead to a lot of bad things to happen how many spirits or how many people or things do you think are here in the house that I’ve heard or have known of at least two one of them being that little girl in the basement cuz she said hi to me while I was down there by myself really yeah for a split second my mom had just walked upstairs and I was still sitting on the steps all of a sudden it sounded like my niece actually and just hi I don’t do little kid spirits and you audibly heard it it was very clear so you you have a brother named AOS and he doesn’t like to be in the house at all does he absolutely refuses to be in the house by himself all he really he didn’t really want to talk about it a whole lot but all he did say was that he woke up obviously couldn’t move and he saw something crawling up the bed at him almost like an old woman like real stringy dark hair we’ve actually looked into the whole sleep paralysis thing and everything we’ve read said it was the hag you’ve got to be kidding what is it what is it did you just come out of the bedroom if you’re here with us can you make that stop oh my God wow I’ve got chest pains actually can you make the second light grab a hold of it give it all the energy you have use ours that’s it come on a little more energy can you move that device just move it to the side left or right d i got chills yeah what about one of these bedroom doors you got that one right yeah cool so we were just down here talking about where we were going to set up our cameras and stuff and earlier I had went up and set up the rim pod on the banister upstairs just you know getting placement of where we wanted to do stuff had completely forgotten about it it had been 10 15 minutes and then all of a sudden Jason was like uh do you guys hear that noise it didn’t really click with us what was going on but the rim pod was actually going off but we weren’t expecting that at all and when we went up there and I walked in this room to set up my phone it hasn’t happened since which is odd it’s pretty awesome huh man it’s crazy and it’s still pretty young even yep up for going to go ahead and turn on the portal box we are in their living room the bedroom is right back here behind us this is the bedroom where they said they see someone standing over the bed why do you think he watches you when you’re asleep I wake up and see him that there’s a bypass all this is hard whoa say are we recording yes what this is is just a psb7 Spirit Box filters out the white noise using this amplifier the pedal box so any voices that come through will pick them up right here we have a r pm hello who are we talking to who’s the one who uh activated the uh the gadget up there in the uh upper hallway you’ve got to be kidding what is it what is it did you just come out of the bedroom if you’re here with us can you make that stop what’s your name the blonde lady that lives in this house do you know her that was weird that sounded like it said a full sentence were you upset by all the renovations done to the house yes or no just heard something upstairs again are you upstairs can you come down what are your intentions free you want to be free who is that old hag that Austin saw crawling across the bedroom floor up onto his bed when he was asleep can you crawl down these stairs what that say yeah exactly what I thought it’s like yeah mhm well do it then I’m standing right here at the bottom why don’t you crawl down hey that’s that that that is a different voice wait will you been hearing are you the dark figure that was been seen in here say say leave you going have to speak a little more clearly than that I just got got freaking cold chills all over my body now I think I heard something different than leave but I don’t I’m not going to say it I’m not going to say it I just sh if we were to send one of us one of us were to go alone somewhere where should we go Jason thought I heard say Jason you want Jason to go alone somewhere that was a full sent same voice something scared up there so me being me I went went up there that room shut the door told him to leave the grandbabies alone or I was going to burn this place down and they wouldn’t have no place to live is who R pod’s going Rod just chirped did it really yeah yes yes yes did you do that cuz I was over by the stair you know you said it there like three different yeses after that yeah mhm how many of you are there can you give us a number 10 sound like 10 r pod just went again says there’s 10 so I guess you can say there’s many of you I heard something there buy Ryan’s going upstairs could you go up and make yourself no to him maybe move something heard a sound up here which room the bedroom Straight Ahead oh the one with the uh that the old lady was seeing yes all he did say was that he woke up obviously couldn’t move and he saw something crawling up the bed at him we’ve actually looked into the whole sleep paralysis thing and everything we’ve read said it was the hag at the old lady that was reported in that middle bedroom if you’re here right now can you make yourself known to Ryan can you move something behind me well we’re going to keep trying to make communication with you what do you think of that whoa was that you no what the hell was that that was straight ahead that bedroom it was one of the bedrooms we heard all the way down here man was that door open what door I think maybe maybe may maybe I’m losing my mind but it came from one of those bedrooms the doors were all open up there I think okay which room are you in are you right in front of me David did I just say David I think it did didn’t it just I think so some two of us should go outside and two of us should stay in here okay I mean I’ll go outside but what do you think split up a little bit Yeah from what Lor’s saying it seems like whenever she’s alone she feels unsafe yeah and that seems the way that seems to be when it attacks is when it’s by people by themselves so all right like to get to know at least one of you can you at least give me a name okay I’m sitting on the edge of the bed here I have Steve downstairs I’m up here with the r pod on the bed I think this is Alexa’s room but this is the same room where Austin saw the woman the hag that he said crawling up onto his bed so check this out I have the who’s upstairs in the bedroom what’s the name of my friend who’s up there in the uh in the bedroom I want to make communication with whom or whoever that’s been causing turmoil for this family especially Lori I want to know what your intentions are I’d like to know right now who’s the old hag if we need to what do you feel about if we had this house blessed so you tried to scare Austin up here and I’m up here all by myself right now in that same room paralyzed him in his sleep and tried to crawl up on this bed with him are you attached to the house or attached to the family you say family yes or no why again we’ve been told you have the ability to move things uh-huh all right one of my youngest son literally flew straight down barely missed my head glass all over I was covered up with a blanket glass all over the blanket it actually hit right here and my head was right here again we’ve been told you have the ability to move things uh-huh all right me being in the house with you I think seems to be stunting some of the activity so I’m going to leave the Camas rolling up here with the rim pod on that bed okay and then I’m going to step outside for like 5 minutes and see if that okay boost anything up yeah I’m excited to see what I’m just going to take 5 minutes and step out with them and all right I’ll be here waiting just uh don’t scare the crap out of me when you come in I am officially the only person in the residence just so that’s documented all right so there’s quite a few of you in here so I don’t know who I’m talking to so what what’s your name Dave you say Dave or did you follow Lori and her family here from a different place yes or no where are my friends at right now Ryan Dave and Jason where are they at can you tell me can you make a just a knocking sound upstairs just a knock how about on three if I count to three could you make a knocking sound one 2 3 you touch the rim can you touch the rim pod on the count of three one two make a loud knocking sound not trying to be rude we just want to know just want to know you’re here we can’t see you you know so trying to make an audible Communications about what we have you know what we can do coming back in the house what’s up how’s it going pretty quiet I think Jason’s going to do a solo here now okay hey my name is Jason tell me your name now we’ve just been downstairs a little bit earlier we had heard some movement some noises coming from upstairs I’m just coming up here for a little bit of conversation coming up here to maybe see if it was you that we were hearing a little tap by the doorway but I think that was just the uh sound of the fridge what the was that was that you I don’t know if that was a that almost sound like a damn voice one of them being that little girl in the basement cuz she said hi to me all of a sudden it sounded like my niece actually and just hi what the was that look this family’s been experiencing some pretty freaky stuff in this house and we’re here tonight to try and get some answers for them and to get to talk to you and at least maybe get your side of the story if there’s anything you’d like to say I’m all ears you can speak to me you can show yourself to me I know that they’ve seen you in here before did something happen to you here on this property or why are you or you all here in this home if you can’t make a noise in here with me can you make a noise out there around the stairs please that door right there doesn’t look like it’d be too hard to move could you at least close it around for me let me ask you this if you can understand are you a Native American are you an Indian okay it’s got some movement well if so I mean you no disrespect trust me I respect you I have Indian In My Blood please feel free to communicate I I would like to talk to you I know this is your land but can you tell me what happened to you here do want to thank you for anything that you did say I’m going to leave you with the utmost respect if you are Native American otherwise you need to stop bothering this family and you need to start speaking up to us tonight okay end of recording end of video there is a moth in here with us is it yes we want to talk to the little little girl or little kid if you’re here with us can you say something we came down here to play what does that drawing mean that you had Lori do down here do you think maybe you were influenced to draw this by something I have no idea I walked down the steps it was in the middle of the night and I grabbed the kids all always had their Sharpies out and I grabbed them and I sat down on the floor and I just started drawing and the next day when I looked at it I thought what is that it was a heart with a knife and a tree did somebody kill you and bury you under a tree what if I sat at the bottom of the stairs what do you think sir I think so far tonight it’s been pretty interesting I mean we have to keep in mind that early on in the the night we had that Rod activity that really started the night out strong and we’ve had some interesting voices through the portal some interesting sounds upstairs early on and it’s kind of died off as we’ve gone along here and the basement Steve’s right it has felt really really comfortable so I don’t know it seems like there is activity but I feel like maybe there’s something that instigates the activity something that helps boost the activity maybe it’s Lori herself don’t know but what do you think sir to agree with what you guys were saying obviously had a couple things happened RM pod earlier being pretty notable and some few noises here and there upstairs mostly it seems like I never know uh to riew maybe we’ll especially the abandonment like Dave mentioned earlier you know you never know what’s when to come up on the abandoned footage you know hopefully the proof is in the pudding well we came we saw we conquered Lor’s on her way back to the house and we are going to be packing up the equipment once they get here Steve is going to be going throughout the house doing a blessing helping them feel a little bit safer in their home that way they can feel more comfortable and hopefully what this energy that Lor’s picking up on that’s making her feel depressed it’ll lighten a little bit one of the uh the main thing with um with doing this is it’s not always so much cleansing the house it’s helping empower the people who are living through it so um I’m a firmed Believer in and Each one teach one which I learned from a my one of my professors in Florida and it’s an each one te each one method so what I’ve learned I’m going to pass on to you for you to to use for him to use and you can pass it on to anyone in the household he’s being affected all right I rebuke and cast out any spirits that would attempt to oppress me in the name of Jesus I rebuke all spirits of Madness and confusion that would attempt to oppress my mind in the name of Jesus
Here is a summary of the key points from the Paranormal Quest team’s investigation at the haunted house:
- The homeowner Lori describes several frightening experiences, including a painting flying off the wall nearly hitting her head. She feels targeted and drained of energy in the home.
- Lori’s son Austin saw an old hag figure crawling up onto his bed during a bout of sleep paralysis in one of the bedrooms.
- In the basement, Lori felt compelled to make a strange drawing she can’t explain of a heart with a knife and tree. Some think it relates to a little girl spirit down there.
- The team hears unexplained noises including loud bangs coming from the bedrooms. Devices also trigger with no clear cause.
- During EVP and spirit box sessions, possible voices are captured saying things like “Devil,” “Leave,” and “David.”
- Team member Ryan has an eerie experience upstairs alone where it sounds like something sits on the bed behind him.
- Jason also spends time alone and hears an unexplained voice. He asks direct questions but gets no clear responses.
- Overall the activity seems to come in spurts but then quiet down, especially when multiple people are present.
- The team is not able to draw out any violent activity reported by the homeowners when they are alone. But they still collect interesting evidence during the investigation.
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