“Тайна дома с демоном” (Mystery of the House with a Demon) explores a haunted house where a tragic event occurred in the 1980s. A young boy and his friend died in a fall from a tree while building a treehouse in a nearby forest. After their deaths, the boy’s ghost reportedly visited his parents, initially bringing them comfort. However, the visits turned disturbing as the ghost began to act violently, throwing objects and screaming, which led the parents to attempt spiritual cleansing of the home without success. Forty years later, the boy reappeared, this time merely observing his parents with a malevolent stare before vanishing. The parents were later found dead, their deaths attributed to heart failure. The video follows a paranormal investigator who believes that the boy’s spirit was trapped in the house by demonic entities posing as his parents. Using a trap, the investigator attempts to guide the spirits toward the light, hoping to release the boy’s soul.
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