Hosted by the Twin Paranormal team, is an investigation into a location known as Skinwalker Forest. This episode takes the team to a haunted cabin and the surrounding forest, both of which are rife with supernatural claims and legends. Native American lore suggests the area is inhabited by a skinwalker, a being capable of transforming…
Category: Twin Paranormal
The Garnett House Diaries: Twin Paranormal’s Encounter with the Grinner Entity
“SURVIVING the NIGHT I GOT ATTACKED | Garnett Demon House” by Twin Paranormal, presents a gripping investigation into the Garnett Demon House, known for its intense poltergeist activity and the presence of a menacing entity referred to as “the grinner.” The team, including Justin and Austin Spurrier, embark on a chilling adventure that promises to…
Twin Paranormal Investigating Billie Creek Village
The video from Twin Paranormal, “TRAPPED by The BLACK EYED DEMON | Billie Creek Village”, details an extensive and intense investigation at Billy Creek Village, a location known for its aggregation of 38 haunted buildings from various places, creating a unique hotspot for paranormal activity. This village is depicted as a ghost town with a…
Twin Paranormal, Investigating the Haunted Benson Grist Mill
They visit the mill where a girl named Alice allegedly drowned. Rumors say she may have been killed by her uncle. Benson Grist Mill oh I forgot how big it was the last time that we were here something crazy happened and apparently it even has that more Dark Energy attached to it oh my…
The Night We Captured Proof in Hotel Apache
who is the daughter of death because apparently they are attached to Wyatt W look at that candle that’s weird and it’s only on the yes side WHYY you read from the book of Alis crowy someone else it turned on we are making our way back to the Apache Hotel because if you remember…